Human Resource Development Achieved by Managers

human resource development

Alis Holding CEO Stresses the Critical Role of Managers in Organizational Development, Highlighting Their Role in Unleashing Human Potential.

Ali Asghar Fayyaz, CEO of Alis Holding, stated during the award ceremony for the winners of the Alis Holding writing competition held in the central office conference room that managers play a very important role in organizational development because they unlock the internal talents of human resources.

Expressing his satisfaction with the quality of the articles received by the competition’s secretariat, Fayyaz said: “Respect is a meaningful concept in social relationships and has such an impact on interactions that its presence in organizations boosts employee morale and increases productivity.”

He emphasized that when respect is present in an organization, no resentment arises among employees, noting: “We have all come together to serve society and the organization, and any discord within the organization contradicts the principle of service, as conflict hinders organizational goals and distances the hearts of employees.”

The CEO of Alis Holding identified the human resources and public relations departments as responsible for fostering good morale within the organization, adding: “For the organization to move towards development amidst the current restrictive economic conditions, we must maintain high employee motivation and respect every employee at all levels.”

Fayyaz continued: “In these tough times, Alis employees need to stand together like a family, be kind to each other, boost each other’s spirits, and continue the path of organizational development through collective wisdom and mutual support.”

Summarizing the organization’s management goals, the Alis Holding CEO highlighted the need to enhance employee productivity, stating: “To achieve this goal, respect must be a foundational principle in organizational interactions. When respect exists in a group, employees become committed to each other and do not indifferently overlook each other’s needs.”

He pointed out that some individuals react negatively to criticism, asserting: “If respect is the cornerstone of workplace interactions, no conflict will arise, and everyone will focus solely on the organization’s main goal, which is to serve society.”

The CEO emphasized that the human resources department must propose plans to boost employee morale, as the organization needs motivated individuals to continue developing and defending itself against external challenges.

Fayyaz described time as a significant right for Alis Holding employees, urging: “Everyone should make the most of their time in the organization, understanding its value, as scholars and scientists have repeatedly emphasized the importance of time.”

He considered respecting others a reflection of recognizing God, stressing: “If someone claims to know God but cannot interact with others with patience and respect, their claim is hollow and false.”

Emphasizing the need for analytical approaches to manage time effectively and move towards defined goals with minimal errors, Fayyaz noted: “Time is a trust granted by God, and we must have precise plans to maximize its use.”

Fayyaz asserted that no organization has succeeded through arrogance, stating: “Instead of arrogance, all employees should consider it their duty to care for each other and apply ethical and moral principles derived from a pure Godly perspective, enabling each individual to have the energy needed for hard work.”

He affirmed that achieving any accomplishment is impossible without collective wisdom, emphasizing: “The differences among employees create a unique organizational identity, and respecting these differences fosters security and enables the use of collective wisdom.”

Fayyaz stressed that in the current business climate, the organization needs its employees to think of each other and support one another like family members to mitigate the adverse economic and social conditions in the country.

Discussing various aspects of professionalism in the workplace, he stated: “A professional in the workplace brings together all available resources and uses all capabilities for development. If someone has the highest expertise but cannot reach a mutual understanding with their colleagues, they cannot utilize all the organization’s capacities.”

Fayyaz continued: “We must institutionalize respect to create the foundation for dynamism and the flourishing of human resources, enhancing the quality of human capital, as high-quality human resources are the primary driving force of the organization, and managers play the main role in unlocking these potentials.”

He urged managers to fully commit to instilling the principles outlined in the organization’s charter, likening their role to that of commanders during wartime, believing in and acting on their decisive influence.

Fayyaz stressed the importance of acting in a way that future generations cannot criticize, noting: “We must increase the capacity for criticism within the organization and understand that pointing out individuals’ flaws during the criticism process does not diminish their dignity.”
